
Spot The Brain Cell

Ah yes, classics. After a small appetizer of Spot The Brain Cell, you can sit down on the toilet with a glass of Chateau Chunder and enjoy the following clips.
What Have The Romans Done for us?
People's Front
He's Mad Sir
French Taunting
The annoying peasant
She's a witch!
Biggus Dickus
Say No Mowa
Are your sluices open at both ends yet?

Cedric Garland and <=75% cancer reduction using Vitamin D

I have been taking the Vitamin D hormone (5000 IU/day) since November 2007. I feel much healthier these days. Cedric Garland's video is well worth the watch. The science he talks about will probably be given to us in small doses (250 IU/day). I actually began taking it after reading this article by by Donald W Miller: Jr, MD. He has a plethora of articles that are worth reading. Dr D and Dr G are both well balanced individuals in my books!
Natural News has an article about kidney dialysis patients being Vitamin D deficient.


Economics Of Recycling - By Dr. Floy Lilly

Dr Lilly is a well informed person. I will stop my family from washing the garbage before they throw it away by showing them this video.

What an incredible waste of human labour. An important fact I retained was that the USA will need a garbage dump 250' deep and 10 miles x 10 miles. That dump will last them 100 years!!! Here in Ontario, Canada, somebody had the bright idea to throw our garbage down an old mineshaft like Elliot Lake in northern Ontario. That was actually a good idea in hindsight.

The only problem with videos like this is people not being able to concentrate for more than 1 minute. It should have been delivered in a format mixture of DVD, PSP, Wii, PS123, XBOX.

Check out 22:30, the guy with the black golf shirt and green collar doing his own recycling program.


The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

After the 3 way gunfight....

You see this world has 2 kinds of people in it, my friend, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

Blondie (Clint Eastwood) makes the Tuco dig up the grave for the gold, hangs him in a noose while standing on a wooden grave marker, then trots away on his hoss, leaving Tuco to die with a small portion of the gold. Then he shoots the noose and sets him loose from a long, long way away. Multiple elements of a perfect life (gold, trading fairly, efficient use of guns for safety, wisdom in distancing yourself from unstable folk, time is elastic). .........or just a good movie!
Long live Hugo Montenegro!!!

World population will fit into Texas @ 100 sq m / person

World population in 2009: 6,800,000,000 (6.8 billion)

Population in the most populated urban areas is about 100 sq m / person = 10m x 10m = 0.01 km x 0.01km = 0.0001 sq km = 1056 sq ft. That means a 4200 sq ft footprint for land area (for home and business) for 4 people. Rather generous in my humble opinion.

This means that if all the people in the world were crammed into 1 large urban area, it would be
6,800,000,000 people x 0.0001 sq km = 680,000 sq km = 825 km x 825 km = 502 miles x 502 miles

The density of 10m x 10m / sq km = 10,000 people / sq km = higher density than Singapore (7022 in 2009) and lower than Monaco (16,923 in 2009).

The area needed would be about the size of Texas (some people would need to take turns swimming).

To think that such a small urban area would be needed to house all the people, means that some of the remaining world's surface area would be used to support these people with (wealth producing) products for food, clothing and shelter (as well as nose pegs). The urban centre could survive with (wealth consuming) services as it already does in high density cities. Hey, we could even afford to stretch our legs and afford another 502 sq miles. Maybe a few people could afford an idyllic remote vacation spot to get away from it all!

Don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting we all move to Texas, but I am illustrating how few of us there actually are on this planet. We actually inhabit 0.456% of the land area. 680,000 sq km are required / 148,940,000 sq km of land = 0.456% usage.

This is the first time in history that we are being convinced (not very well - Al baby) that humans are more powerful than Mother Nature. This cannot be. (ever tried to stop a hurricane?).

We cannot be affecting the climate. There are not enough of us here.

The only way we could prove that we are bigger than Mother Nature is to detonate all the nukes in existence all at once. Then we would all die and the world would be uninhabitable for a while. This is illogical, as humans are programmed to survive, not destruct.


DNA has polarity

I have found many web sites confirming DNA has a positive and negative helix that is highly polarized. These helixes are coupled together with bases (that form genetic code) that are not polarized.  This is the best webpage explanation I have seen to date.

The positive helix swirls around the negative helix using our genetic code "bases" to keep them apart. Here is a good video of how DNA is structured.

You may ask why I am interested in this? Who cares? Well, I do. I am a lateral thinker of sorts. When I heard that DNA has polarity, and the interior is not polarized, and the bases repeat every 10 pairs, this was a "eureka" moment for me. You must make the mental connections yourself, as I am not (and cannot) give it to you on a silver platter. If the masses do not make the connection, but a small remnant does, then great, I have made my point.

It is incredible that the "positive" helix never touches or even sees the mirror image "negative" doing exactly the same thing in reverse, swirling around in a beautiful helix. If they touch, they die. The bases that keep them apart are doing the genetic "work", making amino acids that form our genetic make-up some story the wife'll believe, much used in the practise makes perfect of psycho analaysister and brother, and ocuppied-piper by the right honourable #1, 2, 3, 4, for the last 5 years to the memory... sorry, I must have about-a-flu.

Everybody knows about positive and negative electricity, and that the "load" between the "poles" does the work (unless you have been hiding under a rock your whole life). Some devices sip energy, some are energy hogs. It is interesting that the device can work both ways; a motor can spin backwards, for example, if the negative and positive are reversed. You do not know which way is correct, just that it spins. If you can relate to Ed Leedkalnin and his findings, you may have a slightly different view on electricity, but that is a whole 'nother posting. It is impossible to make electricity do work without positive as well as negative. You cannot have just the positive, and the negative needs the positive. The 2 must co-exist in harmony, but don't short-circuit the poles, as there will be trouble.

Transistors, depending on their purpose, take an input and send an output to amplify or switch electicity depending on the needs of the circuit. The internal structure of a transistor is non-polar (insulator) or polar (conductor) which makes it a semi-conductor. There a a few different types of transistors. Our non-polar "bases" between the "poles" act like transistors, sending or stopping signals.

We are now at the point where I trust you will continue to make more connections in the most philosophical way about my meagre explanation above. If I knew the answers, no amount of probing will get facts to spew from my lips, as there is just a fleeting "eureka" moment. Waterboard me. Put electrodes on my gonads. I know nussing!!